If you dump a prehistoric person at the age of let's say 50 into modern society they would be considered stupid and incapable of most things and would dump any IQ test we could give them because they wouldn't understand the concepts. We would think of them as less intelligent.

If you take the same persons new born child and could fast forward into today and let them grow up here they would be having no problem growing up in society and being plotted onto that distribution curve somewhere.

The distribution of intelligence based on one set off principle like IQ, in a society have nothing to do with the ability understand or explain. Most IQ tests have to do with language and the lack of vocabulary. That some people are better at it than others doesn't mean anything. There are things very smart people don't understand either.

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In short, would you say that Deutsch’s theory is just too abstract? Ironically he might be too smart for his own good if intelligence is defined in humans as the ability to abstract and manipulate the abstractions. In other words, yes, if given unlimited time and resources, a stupid person could discover relativity or invent AI or whatever, but on a practical, real-world level, they can’t.

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Since stupid people are also universal explainers, the only meaningful difference between them and smart people is the speed and memory of the computer they are running on.

I think this is wrong. The difference is the ideas the people understand, not hardware.

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AI can have infinite memory and instantiate best-fit logical associations across a seemingly infinite number of narrow areas. They don’t technically need to be more “intelligent” than humans (smart will do) and I actually wonder if this is uneven acceptance between what is smart and what is intelligence is where the confusion lays, particularly with the unintelligent.

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I think it comes down to memory and speed. Most of the standardized tests are timed. Probably, I can solve more questions correctly in the GRE exam if given more time. But, practically speaking speed is important in the world we live in. We have to solve problems fast at the workplace and are evaluated BOTH on - speed and accuracy. I think David Deutsch is saying that theoretically everyone could get a GRE score of 340/340 given enough practice, effort & memory, speed augmentation. So, until we have memory and speed augmentation, I think there is going to be a visible practical difference between humans.

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